Escapist Friday Fun

I was making bunny-shaped macaroni and cheese for my kiddo when I noticed this guy on floor:

pasta bunny

Pasta Bunny

In honor of his successful escape, I offer you his photo as your creative writing prompt.  Why was he high-tailing it outta there?  Where’s he headed?

Write the opening paragraph of his bunny memoir.  With his two al dente feet, you won’t need much luck for this writing exercise.

Friday Fun for Chinese New Year!

Gung Hey Fat Choi!

Chinese New Year 2014

Chinese New Year


In celebration of Chinese New Year–the Year of the Wood Horse for 2014–today’s writing prompt is to use these 3 words to start a story:  wooden, trot, new.

Want to know a little more about the Year of the Wood Horse?  Here’s a cool blog post to read:

Happy Writing and Happy New Year!

Thoughtful Friday Fun

I’ve recently been reminded of a quote by Viktor Frankl, Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor.  The quote prompted quite a bit of introspection and several diary entries.

And so, for today’s writing prompt, choose from one of the Frankl quotes below and let your pen loose.

“What is to give light must endure burning.”
What is demanded of man is not, as some existential philosophers teach, to endure the meaninglessness of life, but rather to bear his incapacity to grasp its unconditional meaningfulness in rational terms.
Freedom is but the negative aspect of the whole phenomenon whose positive aspect is responsibleness.  In fact, freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness.  That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast.
Happy Writing!

Friday Fun. . . . and some astrology fun!

If you were to trace out the path that Venus makes in the sky, it would look like a five-pointed star.

Venus Star Pattern

Venus Star Pattern

Pretty nifty, I think.

Tomorrow, January 11th, Venus will touch on the star point in Capricorn.  Capricorn teaches us about structure and discipline and order.  It likes tradition and practicality.  It’s the father figure of the zodiac.

How can you use this astrological arrangement to help yourself?  Think about the obstacles and struggles you may have had over the past few years.  What hard-won lessons did you learn?  How have those things shaped you and forged the person you are now?

For today’s Friday Fun creative writing prompt,  write a letter to your future self.  Include a recap of some of the lessons you’ve learned over the past year or two (or ten).  Then summarize the main thing you’ve learned that you want to bring forward with you out of that learning period.

Happy writing, and happy learning!


Fa-La-La Friday Fun!

The holidays are rapidly approaching, and thoughts are turning to peace on earth, goodwill toward all, and New Year’s Resolutions.  It’s the time to reflect on the past year and visualize how we can make our own corner of the world just a little bit better.

When I am coaching, I will often ask my athletes to think about just ONE thing they can fix right then and there.  I ask them to do just ONE thing better on the next piece.

For today’s creative writing prompt, think about the one thing you can do better right now.  What’s one thing that brings you more joy, that brightens someone’s day, that gets you closer to achieving your potential?

Set your resolution down here, and do just ONE thing better!

Phriday Philosophy

I’ve been thinking a lot about forgiveness lately.  Forgiveness of self and of others.  Maybe it’s my Scorpio or maybe it’s the Italian in me, but for some reason, I have often equated “forgiving” with “weak.”  In some ways, forgiving feels like quitting or giving up.  I realize it’s not my best quality.

Not forgiving self or others can really put a crimp in your ability to move forward, though.  So how to shift my perspective on forgiveness?

Now, I am not qualified in tarot cards (check out Through the Peacock’s Eyes for great insights on tarot).  But sometimes I do use mine to help me clear my head.  One of the Minor Arcana, The Five of Swords card, can be interpreted to mean “the current course of action is a fruitless fight, and it is wiser to admit defeat than to continue to punish yourself.”

Hmmm. . . .

So, for today’s Friday Fun creative writing prompt, think about forgiveness.  How do you forgive self?  Others?  Does forgiveness ever feel like defeat?  Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself or to another.

Happy Writing!

Bloodthirsty Friday Fun!

Happy Birthday, Bram Stoker!  On this day in 1847, the creator of Dracula was born, and so for today’s writing prompt, why not imagine your own dark creature?

Describe your character, his flaws, his wants, his dreams, his motivation.  Have fun coming up with eye color, personality quirks, daily habits.  What does she keep in her pants pockets?  What would you always find in her bag?

Stick your neck out a little, and write a great character!

NaNoWriMo Friday Fun

Happy National Novel Writing Month!

NaNoWriMo challenges you to write 50,000 words during the month of November. . . in other words, write a novel!  You can get all the scoop here:

In honor of this project, today’s Friday Fun challenges you to write your first 100 words.  No thinking!  Just write!

Pencils up!


Image used courtesy of National Novel Writing Month

Doomsday Friday Fun!

A void-of-course moon.  A Full Moon.  A lunar eclipse.  All tonight.  And if that weren’t enough, a Mercury Retrograde in 3 days….. sigh.  Hold onto your hats, y’all.

For today’s Friday Fun, use the following words to create the opening of your apocolyptic action movie:  sky, reflection, rock.

Set the stage!  Introduce a character!  Give us some exposition!

Happy Writing!

Back to the Friday Fun!

On this date in 1984, car maker John DeLorean was cleared of drug charges.

Now, anyone who saw the movie Back to the Future knows that a DeLorean car is also a time travel machine.  So for today’s writing prompt, describe what time period you would visit and why if you had a DeLorean.

As for me, I’m off to Camelot. . . .   🙂