Re-thinking Friday Fun

It’s Mercury Retrograde time again, so that means another several weeks of  “review, reflect, re-think.”  Mercury is in Cancer, so that means it’s a great time to examine your emotions, your home, your feminine side.

For today’s creative writing prompt, think of an emotionally-charged scene from your past.  If you got a “do over,” how would you do it differently this time?  Write the old and the new scenario.

Happy Friday!


Philip Carr-Gomm has recently released a new paperback (with accompanying audiobook) called DruidCraft:  The Magic of Wicca and Druidry.  It highlights a particular path of Nature Spirituality that he calls DruidCraft.   The author, the Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids in England, describes how the two main avenues of Western Paganism–Wicca and Druidry– are both experiencing a renaissance and a coming together of sorts.

The book is available on Amazon; the audiobook on Audible and iTunes.

DruidCraft by Philip Carr-Gomm

DruidCraft by Philip Carr-Gomm

A Friday Fun Repeat

In a previous Friday Fun, I suggested a six-word memoir for the day’s creative writing prompt.  Since today is the Summer Solstice, representing a new beginning, I thought I’d bring that one back.  We humans are constantly changing and re-making ourselves, so maybe now you’d write a different six-word memoir.

Who are you now?  Describe yourself, your current life situation, or your goals right now in six words.

Happy writing!

Summer Solstice

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on Friday the 21st at 1:04 am (Eastern Standard Time in the US), heralding a new summertime.  Lots of light and lots of sun are in store!

In astrological terms, Cancer represents our emotions, the mother, water, the home, and memory.  It likes a cozy home,  a family dinner, and caring for others.  As a Cardinal sign, it symbolizes new beginnings.

Mercury is also in Cancer right now, and Jupiter will join them toward the end of the month.  With all this watery, emotional energy about, what can you do to understand yourself a little better?  Can you find better ways to express your emotions or show someone that you care?  Jupiter can sometimes give us enough rope to hang ourselves with, and Mercury is known to be a bit of a chatterbox, so how will you wade through these charged waters?

For me, I like to remember that emotions are just messengers; we don’t have to BECOME them.  Just because I have an emotion, doesn’t mean I need to act on it or act it out.  I can just use it to understand myself better.

Happy Summer Solstice!

How Do You Shop?

I learned about a new website today:  Shop Conscious.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the priorities people have when they shop for products.  I work at a health food store, and we carry mainly organic, biodynamic, local, and Fair Trade items.  One of my tasks recently has been to mark our gluten-free items.  This process requires me to read every box and bottle on the shelf to check for the “gluten free” label.  In doing so, I’ve come across all sorts of things on packages–No Animal Testing, No Parabens, No Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Sustainably Sourced, Wildcrafted, and on and on.

So, what priorities do you have when you shop?  Do you only buy organic?  Only local?  Would you choose conventionally-grown local over shipped-in organic?  What about Fair Trade?  Do you know what that is?  Do you care what that is?

The Shop Conscious website brings up even more points to ponder when purchasing.  Their video on the fish oil industry is disturbing if only half of it is true.

Your thoughts on what you buy?

More of a Friday Suggestion than a Friday Fun

Hey fellow writers!  I know that Friday Fun is usually a creative writing prompt, but today I wanted to give you a website to try instead.

As a member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), I get lots of great tips and ideas on marketing, publishing, and writing.  One tip was about a website started by the publisher Harper Collins.  The site is called Authonomy, and it’s a great place to get feedback on your work.

Authonomy is a site for writers and readers of all genres.  Once you register on the site, you can upload your work, whether completed or not.  Then, other users can comment and rate your story.  By actively participating in the critique process, your work can climb the ranks and perhaps even gain the attention of the Harper Collins editors.  But even if you don’t attain the ranking necessary for that, you can still get some great constructive feedback on your work.

I recently uploaded my own story, The Travels of Pacha Riley:  Legend of the Inkas, on the site.  It’s been an education, and I’m enjoying reading other people’s stories as well as the comments on my own.

Let me know if you try the site or if you are already on!

Symbolism of the Lily

After several days of relentless rain where I live, I opened the curtains this morning to find a riot of color.  The lilies, planted by the previous homeowner, peeked over the windowsill to give me an orange-white-and-green howdy-do.  Love it.

Here are some meanings of and legends about the lily:

  • According to Greek mythology, the lily grew from the breast milk of the goddess Hera.
  • The lily is also associated with the Archangel Gabriel and with St. Leonard.
  • Lilies come in nearly every color except blue.  Therefore, one with a Lily Totem should examine the significance of blue in his/her life.  Do you have too much or not enough blue energy in your life?
  • The lily was considered sacred by the Assyrians, and in China it was known as the Bringer of Sons.
  • The lily is a favorite of fairies and nature spirits.
  • The stalk of the lily symbolizes higher consciousness being awakened in the individual; the leaves represent humility.

Enjoy nature today!

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily


Sometimes I have trouble quieting my mind.  I blame my astrology chart:  Virgo Rising, Gemini MC, and a Mercury ruler.  🙂

I really ought to try meditating, but I never seem to get around to it.  There are an awful lot of good reasons to do it.  Tons of studies say that even 10 or 15 minutes daily can boost your memory, increase your productivity, lessen ADHD symptoms, and even literally change your brain.  Apparently long-term meditation practitioners have more of those wavy, fold-y lines in their cortical brain.  I’m guessing this is a good thing.

Have you ever tried meditation?  Can you clear your mind?  Or do you focus on a particular image?
