The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Bunk Beds

After several nights of terrible sleep, I can’t seem to get my brain to clunk into place enough to write my own post today. So I am very grateful to my fellow blogger at “The World’s Top 10 of Anything and Everything” for posting this fun article.

I am very much hoping that the images of comfy beds lure me into a good night’s sleep tonight. . . .

W.H. Auden

On this date in 1946, the English poet W.H. Auden became a U.S. citizen.  Fans of the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral will remember the Auden poem read at the funeral.  I possess no poetic talent whatsoever, so Mr. Auden’s words will stand for today’s post.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum,
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message ‘He is Dead’.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Best Moment Award

Best Moment Award

Awarding the people who live in the moment,
The noble who write and capture the best in life,
The bold who reminded us what really mattered –
Savoring the experience of quality time.


Winners re-post this completely with their acceptance speech. This could be written or video recorded.

Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a NEW set of people/blogs worthy of the award, and winners notify them the great news.


  • What makes a good acceptance speech?
    • Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way
    • Humor. Keep us entertained and smiling
    • Inspiration. Make your story touch our lives
  • Get an idea from the great acceptance speeches, compiled in
  • Display the award’s badge on your blog/website, downloadable in


I suspect that my friend at must have known that my grandfather was born in West Virginia and could make a mandolin by hand.  Or perhaps she heard that I’ve got a Porter Waggoner station on my Pandora.  Or maybe she even saw the Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton anthologies on my bookshelf.  Whatever the reason, this dear soul has nominated me for the Best Moment Award, and for that I thank her!  Please help me thank her by stopping by her blog.  She is a wealth of information about great music!

Back in 2007, I had an idea for a book.  And so I began learning, studying, and researching everything I could about my topic and about the publishing industry.  Along the way, I read somewhere that “real” authors have blogs and websites, so I created this site in hopes of being such an author.  It’s been a wonderful experience so far, and I am truly looking forward to writing more and to discovering other great blogs on WordPress.

Thank you so much, PLGCM!  Thank you, WordPress!  Thank you, readers!

And finally. . . my nominees for the Best Moment Award. . . .




Liebster Award, Part II

Bloggers who nominate other bloggers for a Liebster Award are supposed to pose 11 questions to be answered by the nominee.  I saved my questions for a separate post because I thought it might be fun for anyone to do.   So if you need a break from your paperwork, here are some things to ponder:

  1. What was your favorite book as a kid?
  2. Why did you start your blog?
  3. If you were given money but you had to spend it on school, classes, or lessons, what would you study?
  4. If you were given money for travel, where would you go?
  5. What skill or talent do you wish you possessed that you don’t already?
  6. Would you rather sing in public to a large audience or jump from an airplane?
  7. What is your favorite meal for breakfast?
  8. What fun place to visit or fun thing to do would you like to share with us?
  9. What scares you?
  10. If you could talk to a ghost, what would you ask?
  11. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Happy pondering and writing!

Liebster Award

Thank you!

Thank you!

Last week, a fellow blogger nominated me for a Liebster Award.  This award is kind of like a “pay it forward” thing.  A blogger gives a public shout-out to other bloggers, and so it becomes a way to spread the word about other sites.    Besides being a really nice thing to do for fellow bloggers, it’s a fun way to learn new stuff.  A big THANK YOU, then,  to for tagging me!  I can’t tell you how much the nomination lifted my spirits and made me smile!

The Liebster nominee is supposed to answer 11 questions posed by the nominator, give 11 random facts about him/herself, and then nominate 11 other blogs for the award.  Here are my “homework” answers:


  1. Would you rather have the power to fly or the power of super strength?  Super strength, please.
  2. What movie are you looking forward to seeing the most in 2013?  Movies?  I think I remember those.  As a mother to a young child, I don’t get out much.  But this question made me research upcoming releases.  “Oz The Great and Powerful” caught my eye.
  3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live?  I’ve only ever lived in the US, and it’s a great country.  But I can’t deny the Anglophile in me.  Would have to say the UK for this one.
  4. Who is your best friend and why?  My kiddo.  He’s a cool little dood.  I’d do anything for him, and at the end of the day, he’s the one I love the most.
  5. What is a pet peeve of yours?  Do I only get one???  I would have to say rudeness, but that’s closely followed by bad grammar.
  6. If you could go into any book, movie, or television show and live your life out in it, what would you choose?  Harry Potter, of course.
  7. What is the meaning of life?  To learn as much as you can.
  8. What are your favorite self-traits?  I think I’m too hard on myself to answer this one.
  9. Is there anything happening in 2013 that you are particularly looking forward to?  Summertime!
  10. What would you do if you won a million dollars?  After paying off bills (mine and my family’s), I would take ballroom dance lessons.
  11. What is your dream job?  Writer.  In a cabin.  In the woods.


  1. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a jockey.
  2. I still have my stuffed animal (dog) from when I was 6 years old.  His name’s Henry, and he’s on my armchair right now.
  3. My Italian ancestors are no doubt rolling in their graves, but I really don’t like garlic or onions.  Or peppers.
  4. When I write the number eight, I make two little circles rather than a continuous figure-eight line.
  5. I have read the entire Harry Potter series at least 7 times.
  6. The CD in the first spot in my car is the Sound of Music soundtrack.
  7. I crochet when I get writer’s block.
  8. I can touch my nose with my tongue.
  9. If you measure my wingspan from middle finger tip to middle finger tip, the result is bigger than my height.
  10. I had brain surgery in 2007.
  11. I have been to Canada, Poland, China, and Australia; these trips were all for sports competitions.

MY LIST OF NOMINEES (in alphabetical order):



Welcome Winter

I’ve really been enjoying this photography blog, so I wanted to share today’s post from SethSnap with you. Happy Winter Solstice, all!


Old Man Winter showed up with his entourage today.  He brought with him the rain, the snow, the sleet and lots of wind.  It was a welcome party like no other. It started this morning when the rain showed up to give the place a good cleaning before the party.  The party began this evening when the snow and sleet started to fall like confetti.  Soon the trees, grass and even shingles were dancing as the wind symphony played its winter arrival repertoire.   In fact, the party is still going strong.

I was given the VIP treatment this morning for the two day long party.  The rain was a gracious host.  He allowed me to go behind the scenes and see just what went into getting Southern Ohio ready for the big event.   The fields, streets, grass and trees were all washed clean and shined up like new.  He…

View original post 61 more words


I’ve really been enjoying this blog. This particular quote is especially good. Hope you enjoy it too.


It Started with a Quote

hand holding spark

Usually when we hear or read something new, we just compare it to our own ideas. If it is the same, we accept it and say that it is correct. If it is not, we say it is incorrect. In either case, we learn nothing.    Thich Nhat Hanh

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